Tuesday 5 July 2016

Shakespeare Again

When writing the original post I thought of two more limericks on Shakespearian themes (loosely). The first, with apologies to the Scottish play (I'm not superstitious), is:

Why should we three meet again
In thunder, lightning or in rain
Oh bugger the weather
Let's  just get together
And move the whole scene out to Spain

When the remains of Richard III were found in a Leicester car park, I thought:

How sad for Richard of Gloucester
At Bosworth, his kingdom, he lost her
If he'd cried for a car
And got out faster by far
He wouldn't have ended in Leicester

It then transpired that Edward I's remains may be under a car park in Reading, which is even more down market I would have thought. I doubt if William the Conqueror would have been pleased.

Take pity on Edward the first
Another king whose ending was curs'd
Is Leicester or Reading
The best place to be dead in
I'm damn'd if I know which is worst

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