Thursday 7 January 2016

The First One

According to Wikipedia the earliest authentic limerick is a prayer ascribed to Thomas Aquinas, the highly influental Catholic theologian and philosopher. The limerick was written, naturally, in Latin.
Sit vitiorum meorum evacuatio
Concupiscentae et libidinis exterminatio,
Caritatis et patientiae,
Humilitatis et obedientiae,
Omniumque virtutum augmentatio.
The literal translation is:

Let it be for the elimination for my sins, 
For the expulsion of desire and lust, 
[And] for the increase of charity and patience, 
Humility and obedience, 
As well as all the virtue.

It doesn't scan in this form so I thought I would take a liberty or two and try to more or less follow the right form, with perhaps a touch of humour:

Please help me to conquer my lust
And expel my desire I must
Charitable and patient
Humble and obedient
Ever virtuous – I think I’ll go bust

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